Throughout October an increased number of individuals and organizations work to raise awareness for issues related to domestic violence. National statistics indicate that one in four women has experienced domestic violence in her lifetime, meaning that when you find yourself in a small or large group setting, the chances are one or more of the females in your company has been affected.

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We live in a very busy world. The idea of taking the time to learn about protecting children from child abuse may feel like just one more thing we don't have time to do. Especially if it feels like it isn't our problem. The truth is that child abuse in our community, whether in our own home, at our neighbor's house or in community settings, is like a toxin in the water supply. It affects us all.

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Our children are mirrors, reflecting images of what happens around them. In addition to sharing genetic similarities with parents, they reflect the gestures, language, and interests of the adults in their lives. You'll notice your child holding a crayon just like Dad holds his pen, or using a phrase Grandma says often.

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With the recent decision to consolidate our schools, as well as an influx of money from the Gates Foundation and the federal government's Race to the Top, this should be a pivotal moment for our community. However, the Urban Child Institute recently published the 2011 Data Book: The State of Children in Memphis and Shelby County, which offers frightening evidence of the growing number of children in Memphis and Shelby County who are not ready to enter kindergarten.

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Right now the talk of education in the Mid-South is all about funding, and more specifically how there isn't enough to go around. It seems obvious that our children are our community's future and therefore our schools must be well funded, but most of us know running a government is far more complicated than cutting the pie and passing out slices.

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Small hands grasp your nose as you stare down at the tiny miracle in your lap. You read focus and amazement in your baby's eyes as he/she scans your skin and features, tugging curiously at your ears and hair. It may all seem like quiet, peaceful fun, but the attachment your baby is making with you through touch is preparing his/her brain for a lifetime of learning.

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