It’s hard to think of a message that is more crucial to the future of Memphis and Shelby County. If we invest in the pivotal first three years of children’s lives, everything about our community gets better.

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As August comes into sight, many parents are beginning to think about ways to prepare their school-age children for the upcoming year. But as they start to run the necessary errands, what about the baby in the backseat? According to The Urban Child Institute, it’s never too early to begin preparing her too.

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While your child is an infant, it may seem that discipline is more a matter of disciplining yourself to deal with the rigors of caring for a baby. But as children reach the toddler stage, they have a natural drive to gain more autonomy. During the toddler years, effective discipline requires parents to perform a balancing act.

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Independence is the ability to do things for ourselves. Once kids are school age, having a healthy sense of independence contributes to positive behavior, better decision-making, and persistence when faced with challenges. The foundation for later independence is built in early infancy, and is strengthened by sensitive, responsive parenting throughout the early years.

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