Often when we're facing an enormous challenge or working to overcome an obstacle, the first words of advice offered are to take baby steps. It's good advice: breaking down a seemingly insurmountable task into smaller pieces makes it easier to complete and moves us closer to accomplishing our goal. In Memphis, new, big, bold initiatives to cross major hurdles and heal our community's wounds - poverty, unemployment and undereducation – are taking shape every day.

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Real Memphis Magic

At this time of year, I still find some holiday movies irresistible because of their "holiday magic" themes. As a grizzled 53-year-old, I still want some happiness and magic in my consciousness. And I'm not alone. Who can resist the "I believe, I believe" theme of "Miracle on 34th Street," or "George Bailey, the richest man in town!" from "It's a Wonderful Life" — a paean to gratitude and counting our blessings?

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The Urban Child Institute recently launched its Baby Small campaign, offering a big idea: we can improve the future of our community through small, smart decisions and actions that promote optimal early childhood brain development. Baby Small reminds us that the first years of life are a period of both extraordinary development and extraordinary opportunity. Babies' brains develop in response to their environments.

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How much money is our community willing to invest to improve academic achievement rates and educational outcomes in Shelby County Schools?

As the November 6th presidential and municipal elections draw near, that is one of the questions that local residents will have to considered.

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