As parents, we have a host of tools at our disposal to help us navigate the important early years of our children’s lives. We have parenting books, magazine articles, online guides, and even smart phone apps for some tasks. In addition, we have a network of pediatricians, teachers and fellow parents to share knowledge and advice.

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Just like Barry White said in his 1974 hit, babies "Can't get enough of your love." The more attention and affection your infant receives, the more likely he is to grow into a well-adjusted child and adult. In order to reach his potential, he needs all the love you can give him.

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Attachment is your baby’s feeling of safety and her assurance that you are available to meet her needs. Attachment is a crucial element of her early development and is an important predictor of her later social adjustment. A secure attachment to her closest caregivers helps your baby deal with distressing situations, strange environments, and perceived threats.

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