Curiosity is school-fuel for kids. Children with high levels of curiosity are motivated to learn or accomplish something new for the reward of simply having mastered it. Science calls this hunger to learn and do mastery motivation.

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To be successful as adults, children must understand from an early age that they can do and become anything that they set their minds to. A parent is a child’s first teacher. Until a child begins school and starts to interact with peers and other adults, instilling self-confidence and self-esteem is the responsibility of Mom, Dad, and caregivers.

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“I’m not good enough. I’m dumb” was the three-year-old’s answer when the teacher at his child care center asked why he didn’t want to join in the next activity with his classmates. He had drifted to the back of the room as the other children gleefully lined up for the chance to hit a ball with a bat.

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Children need to feel good about themselves. A positive self-image has long-term effects on behavior, achievement, and even health. Self-confidence is not inherited; it is learned. Knowing the benefits of having a positive self-image, caregivers want to know how to help their children develop it.

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As the NBA season drew to an end and the playoff games began, this community was passionate about its “Believe Memphis” attitude as we shook our growl towels and shook our opponents’ confidence. But it also made us wonder: What if we channeled our inner Tony Allen to cheer on parents as they work hard to ensure the positive emotional and social development of their children?

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