We recently wrote about the opportunity for our community to take the heart, grit and grind that have come to define our civic psyche and tap into them to fight for the future of every child in our community. There is no title more important that we can win than this one, because as champions for children, we are in fact winning a better future for Memphis and Shelby County. 

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There is no longer any argument about the value of Pre-K in Memphis and Shelby County. The challenge now is to fund it adequately so that every child can benefit from it. A year ago this month, we wrote that Memphis and Shelby County had reached the tipping point on early child development. Unfortunately, there are signs now that we may tip in the wrong direction

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When I was a little girl my parents told me that I could be anything that I wanted to be. By the time I entered the third grade, I knew without a doubt that I wanted to become a writer. My Mom says there was a short-lived phase when I would only communicate through writing. My Mom and Dad nurtured my early, yet perplexing interest in words and non-verbal communication....

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