A few years ago, The Urban Child Institute (UCI) and Neighborhood Christian Centers partnered on a simple concept that would encourage Mid-South families to spend time together in a way that fused science and good old fashioned parenting. What emerged was Touch Talk Read Play (TTRP).

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The headline read: "Our children will be the first generation in modern history to live shorter lives than their parents." It was one of those stories that should have grabbed every reader and shaken them. It was the journalistic equivalent of cold water in the face of every person who thinks that the future only holds promise and progress for his or her children. It was also a call to arms for those of us who care about our community.

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In his 2013 State of the Union address, President Obama said "study after study shows that the sooner a child begins learning, the better he or she does down the road." He's right. Children who are consistently intellectually stimulated in the first three years of their lives enjoy better outcomes later in life. Typically, they do better in school and enter higher paying careers.

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Most of us have heard that the prevalence of childhood obesity has increased dramatically. The rate has tripled in the past 30 years. The consequences of obesity are grim for children and adults, including health problems such as Type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease and cancer. Obesity is also associated with psychosocial difficulties like bullying, discrimination, anxiety and depression.

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Last month, our organization was mentioned twice by Memphis Medical News in articles written by Bill Appling and Pamela Harris. Bill Appling's article, All Children Can Learn, talks about our Baby Small campaign and increased awareness of early childhood brain development in Memphis and Georgia. Pamela Harris's article mentions the efforts of several organizations working to improve the health of children born in impoverished communities, including The Urban Child Institute.

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One of the leading child advocacy organizations in Shelby County and one of the oldest locally-owned radio stations in the Mid-South are joining forces to take their messages to the streets, literally. The Urban Child Institute recently formed a new partnership with WLOK to increase awareness for best practices to promote optimal brain development in young children from birth to age three.

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