Skills that help children have empathy and handle conflict are vital to school success, and best taught early by parents. View this in your browser.
The Urban Child Institute

5 Ways to Promote Social and Emotional Development in Young Children

What is social and emotional learning, and why is it important? In a nutshell, it’s recognizing our emotions, having some control over them, having empathy for others, handling conflict well, and making good choices about personal and social behavior. These skills are critical to school (and life) success. Believe it or not, these things need to be taught and the best time to begin is early! Guess what else: YOU are your child’s best teacher.

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What Skills Can the Fair Teach Your Kids?

When a child first walks into a classroom, it isn’t immediately apparent which of the letters he knows, but it is obvious whether he can keep his hands to himself or communicate his feelings.

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Early Education Invests in Children, Future

As a prekindergarten teacher for Shelby County Schools, I have firsthand experience with the school readiness problem in our community. I have kids who begin the year not knowing how to spell their names, and some who don’t know a single letter of the alphabet.

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Join us for Brain Awareness Night Next Month!

We're hosting Dr. Clancy Blair, PhD, New York University and Dr. Nathan Fox, PhD, University of Maryland, to speak to us about early intervention programs and how they affect brain development.

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