How Does Memphis Say Love?

Poverty. Infant mortality. Homelessness. High dropout rates in our schools. I often hear, 'I want to help, but I don't know if what I can do will really make a difference in Memphis. ' My heart, as well as my years of experience in social services, tells me that people are indeed making a difference. Moreover, the various efforts already in place can be taken to scale to better serve at-risk children, families and communities in our city, if we do the right things.

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Persistent emotional difficulties can make effective parenting hard, and cause long-lasting problems for a child's brain development. We all face stress at some point in our lives. Job pressures, health problems and relationship difficulties are only a few of the stress-producing circumstances that affect most of us at one time or another.

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One in every eight infants born in the United States is born preterm -- before 37 completed weeks of gestation. Preterm birth and its consequences are a major health problem in the United States and worldwide, with societal costs in the United States exceeding $26 billion (2005 dollars) annually and $51,500 per preterm infant.

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It is often said that it takes a village to raise a child. Equally important, it takes a community to protect our children. Too many of our children are regularly exposed to violence in their homes, schools and neighborhoods. Substantial numbers of our youngest citizens have been abused, neglected or assaulted, while others - as horrifically recounted recently in descriptions of the Lester Street murders - have been killed. Moreover, countless numbers witness domestic or neighborhood violence every day.

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Among the many challenges and opportunities that I will confront as mayor of Shelby County, one of the most important for the long-term growth and livelihood of this community is promoting the success of our youngest citizens. Many decisions made at all levels of county government have an impact on children, and we need to be cognizant of that impact and ensure that it is positive.

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